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Your information has been recorded and is confidential. Thank you for your time.
If we can provide you with any additional information not on our website, please do not hesitate to call us at 785-201-9199.
We would like to invite you to come tour our project. Please call us to schedule a tour at any time.
Contact Details

- Ph. 785-833-6773
- Fx. 785-404-2217
Further Education
- Everyday Lights in Concert
- Welcome to Condo 105
- Garden Concert with Jenn Grinels
- Marrs Brothers & the Castle in Kansas
- Sunflower Living Magazine
- Marymount Featured on #YLIW
- "Marymount College of Kansas: A History"
- HGTV Set to Air "You Live in What?"
- Episode 309 A New Hope - HGTV Update
- "You Live in What?" Premiering on GAC
- Is Condo Life Right for You?
- "You Live in What?" Season Delayed
- HGTV Visit to Marymount Campus
- Join us for a Christmas Concert
- Join us for a Fall Concert in the Chapel
- Spring Building New Porches
- A Vision of Your Home: Design Rendering
- Join us for the Chamber After Hours
- MP to Unveil New Parking Garage
- Custom Floor Plans Available